Damn bananas, why can't we be diplomatic about this situation despite our differences? Can't you see that you and I are not so different? I too am yellow on the outside, but white on the inside.
Bananas are driving me nuts; I will therefore make banana nut bread! (LOL, LMAO, ROFL, teehee!) Anyways, what's with bananas ripening faster than I can count to three? It's like their afraid of being eaten and would rather have me dispose of them than be inside my tummy. Well you know what, my expectations for bananas are very low so either way, I'm going to eat you. You know what else I have really low expectations? That's right...girrrrrr...achoooo. Call me... ^_^Y! ( Je suis Kawaii Desuneeeeee!)
Anyways, to make my blogpost less stupid and more educational, I decided to talk about keeping your bananas from ripening too fast, or too slow. If you know this already, just be quiet and let me try to sound smart for once in my life. Alright! So bananas give off a chemical known as ethylene. What ethylene does is it induces the ripening of fruits. Heat also encourages the release of ethylene, hence bananas tend to ripen faster in warmer environments e.g. Hong Kong. Now, to encourage ripening, simply place the bananas in room temperature enclosed within a paper bag. This prevents the escape of ethylene and enhances the rate of ripening. On the contrary, bananas should be separated individually and placed into a refrigerator away from other fruits. This will greatly reduce the rate of ethylene dispersal and contact from itself and other fruits. So eat more bananas, because they basically own all other fruits. They're cheap, good for your heart and nerves, and they make you feel good!
So I'll end it here. Let me know if you found this mildly amusing. If you didn't find this fun to read, maybe you're just naturally stubborn and hard to please. Sucks to be your gf/bf. Just kidding! Have a beautiful day, you lovely ladies and gents!
Omg, it's so LOOONG and BIIIIG!
THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID, cause that's what she would say if she saw my sexy body, as in camera body.